Marc Nadal » “The human mirror” Best Photography Award at 4th International Festival Hacelo Corto (Argentina).

“The human mirror” Best Photography Award at 4th International Festival Hacelo Corto (Argentina).

We are honored to receive the Best Photography Award for “The human mirror” at International Competition of the V “Festival Hacelo Corto”, which was held in Buenos Aires from 9 to 12 of March 2017.

Festival Internacional Hacelo Corto

Festival Internacional Hacelo Corto

The INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL HACELO CORTO, was born from the need to have a new space of projection and diffusion of our national cinema in the center of the province of Buenos Aires.
The festival began as a show in which short films were projected, in the so-called Participatory Workshops “Hacelo Corto”, and in turn short films invited by other directors.
festival-internacional-hacelo-cortoOver time, various inquiries from different directors and producers from all over the country, encouraged us to take the form of a festival and this way we began to work in what today has become an international festival, which calls to filmmakers from around the world.
Our festival has been declared of Municipal and Tourist interest in our city and at the same time counts on the support of INCAA, becoming in this way a more option of national and international film diffusion.
Based on a real story. A 17-year-old girl with social anxiety has hardly any contact with the outside world. Never leaving her home she watches the cruelties being reported on the news every day, bringing her mind closer and closer to the dangerous nature of society.


Copyright © 2009 Marc Nadal. All rights reserved.