“La condena” Sección Oficial de Mitreo Film Festival (Italia).

La condena” forma parte de la Sección Oficial de Mitreo Film Festival, festival que se desarrolla del 5 al 7 de Octubre del 2017 en Santa Maria Capua (Italia).
MitreoFilmfetsival is a film festival that forms part of a wider network of connected film festivals around Italy, the Coordinamento dei Festival Cinematografici Campani (CFCC) MitreoFilmFestival aim is to help young cinema autors. MitreoFilmFestival wants to maximise your networking opportunities. There are different judges coming from connected festival (CFCC), giving your film a better chance of going forwards into the MitreoFilmFestival!MitreoFilmFestival is looking for any narrative film of 20 minutes and less of authors that are 30 years old or less.
The film’s theme must be “The Soul”.

Mitreo Film Festival

Mitreo Film Festival

We remember you what James Hillman says:
“the soul descends in four modes – via the body, the parents, place, and circumstances. First, your body: Growing down means going with the sag of gravity that accompanies aging. Second, admitting yourself to be one among your people and a member of the family tree, including its twisted and rotten branches. Third, living in a place that suits your soul and that ties you down with duties and customs. Last, giving back what circumstances gave you by means of gestures that declare your full attachment to this world.
Durante el 2014 se produjeron de media 189 desahucios diarios en España. 2 desahucios cada 15 min. Este desahucio se ejecuto a las 17h.


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