“La piel y el alma” Sección Oficial del Festival Wiper Film Festival (NY).

La piel y el alma” ha sido seleccionado en la Sección Oficial de Wiper Film Festival (NY), festival de cine independiente patrocinado por una aplicación que permite ver películas en el móvil. Cuenta con una competición online y otra de proyecciones presenciales en Nueva York.

Wiper film festival

Wiper film festival

Wiper is a fast growing app with fun new ways to create and share video. It has been the #1 app in 25 countries and has over 18 million users. The most highly rated and popular works are eligible for category and festival-wide honors.
Our team is based in NYC. We love independent artists and films. The film festival is our first step to building a better way for your work to find an audience and the financial rewards that come with it.
Wiper film festival

Wiper film festival

Our team will also promote the entire festival in the media and elsewhere. We’ve already been featured on ABC, The Washington Post, Business Insider, and many more top outlets.
Filmmakers deserve real options outside traditional distribution systems. Options to build an audience and financial rewards that are independent of a jury’s whims or mass views for ad dollars.
That way, more great work has a chance to be seen and enjoyed. More great work will be produced.
¿Qué sentirías si tus dos hijas te dijesen que se han enamorado la una de la otra? ¿Cómo afectará a sus vidas, al futuro? Mar se ha enamorado de su hermana mayor Celia.
La piel y el alma en Mic Genero

La piel y el alma en Mic Genero

Copyright © 2009 Marc Nadal. All rights reserved.