Estamos contentos de anunciar que “La condena” forma parte de la Sección Oficial de Reedy Reels Film Festival, un festival de cine independiente que se desarolla en Greenville, Carolina del Sur, Estados Unidos. La condena se proyectará el viernes 16 de octubre del 2015 a las 14:00h.
Reedy Reels Film Festival La Condena
Reedy Reels Film Festival promotes the appreciation of the art of film-making while generating support for independent film-makers especially in the Upstate. The festival will engage the community and create exposure for local film-making while building inspiration and new opportunities for local artists.
Reedy Reels Film Festival La Condena
Reedy Reels Film Festival will encourage the promotion, education and appreciation of independent filmmaking in the Greenville community. The art of independent film will bring a diverse edge to the Upstate by reaching outside of the commercial cinema multiplex. This festival will encourage the creation of film in the Upstate and beyond while raising awareness and appreciation of the art form.
The internationally recognized Clemson University’s ICAR Facility will host the 2015 Reedy Reels Film Festival with an emphasis on the Carroll Campbell Jr. Graduate Engineering Center as well as the AT&T Auditorium for our event. The CU-ICAR research facility is an educational center driving automotive technology and engineering here in the Upstate.
Durante el 2014 se produjeron de media 189 desahucios diarios en España. 2 desahucios cada 15 min. Este desahucio se ejecuto a las 17h.