“El espejo humano” forma parte de la Sección Oficial de la 15ª edición del Festival Internacional West Virginia FILMmakers Festival, que se lleva a cabo del 3 al 6 de octubre del 2014 en el histórico cine Elk de Sutton, West Virginia (EE. UU.), proyectandose en la gala de inauguración del Viernes 3 a las 18:00h.

2014 West Virginia FILMmakers Festival
The West Virginia FILMmakers Festival had a total of 223 submissions from around the World: Canada, The Netherlands, Korea, Spain, Brazil, Hungary, Germany, Denmark, India, France, Mexico, United Kingdom and Venezuela!
Celebrating our 15th Year ~ The West Virginia FILMmakers Festival is West Virginia’s Film Festival proudly supporting all films, with a special interest in films made in WV, by and for, West Virginia artists.
The First West Virginia FILMmakers Festival was held in the Spring of 2001 at the Landmark Studio for the Arts in Historic Sutton, West Virginia. Started by Kevin Carpenter and Steve Fesenmaier to showcase West Virginia’s best filmmakers.

2014 West Virginia FILMmakers Festival
Films are now shown primarily at the Elk Theatre, a Historic 1930’s One Screen Theatre on Main Street in Downtown Sutton. Filmmaking seminars are held at the Landmark Studio for the Arts, other festival activities and live music in the evening is held at the Elk Hotel.
The West Virginia FILMmakers Festival is a wonderful venue for meeting filmmakers, actors and industry contacts, while experiencing the latest produced films reflecting trends, techniques and technology.

El espejo humano West Virginia FILMmakers Festival
Hosted every October, the festival has become the singular celebration of West Virginia Filmmakers. The festival is characterized by enlightening films, networking opportunities, live music and great parties.
Awards & Prizes

15º West Virginia FILMmakers Festival
Competition Categories:
Best Animation/Experimental/Music Video; Best Student Short Film; Best Short Documentary; Best Feature Documentary; Best Short Film; Best Feature Film.
Also - WV FILMmaker of the Year, awarded specifically to a WV FILMmaker.
Basado en una historia real. Una joven de 17 años con problemas de sociabilidad vive sin apenas contacto con el exterior, encerrada en casa contempla cada día las crueldades anunciadas en las noticias y su mente se va acercando cada vez más a la peligrosa forma de ser de la sociedad.