“El espejo humano” forma parte de la Sección Oficial del festival internacional Ozark Shorts, festival que proyecta sesiones de cortometrajes por pantallas de todo el mundo. Mensualmente se proyectan cortometrajes de ficción, documentales y cine experimental gratuitamente.

Ozark Shorts
Ozark Shorts is a free monthly short film screening series of great short films from around the world. A wide range of documentaries, narrative, animation and experimental shorts that people in different communities around the country would otherwise never get the opportunity to see. Screenings take place in different towns and cities across the country!
A Monthly Screening Series of International Award-Winning Short Films. OZARK SHORTS began in the Spring of 2014 at a library in a small town in the Ozarks in Southwest Missouri. By November, free screening events were taking place in 7 different towns and cities across the Midwest! Beginning last December, the monthly screening series extended to Los Angeles and is screening in towns and cities across America every month.
Basado en una historia real. Una joven de 17 años con problemas de sociabilidad vive sin apenas contacto con el exterior, encerrada en casa contempla cada día las crueldades anunciadas en las noticias y su mente se va acercando cada vez más a la peligrosa forma de ser de la sociedad.