“El espejo humano” forma parte de la Sección Oficial del festival DSOFFest - Direct Short Online Film Festival, festival estadounidense ha elegido cortometrajes procedentes de todo el mundo. Direct Short Online Film Festival sirve como herramienta para aquellos grupos, cineastas y artistas que quieran presentar sus trabajos independientes y que sean conocidos por una audiencia internacional.

Direct Short Online Film Festival
DSOFFest is an International, Independent online event for all Short, Documentary, Feature, Music Video and Web Series. Goal of DSOFF is to Provide homes to group of young and vibrant film enthusiasts who are committed in creating spaces for independent cinema and devoted to spreading of the knowledge of the modern visual art form to all interested. We, at DSOFFest aim at bringing out the best Short, Documentary, Feature, Music video and web series from around the globe and to present it all on one single platform which is our website. Direct Short Online Film Festival’s library will has some very remarkable award winning films from across the globe. Your film will be viewed and voted by our international Community. Filmmakers competing in festivals that require they not to show their films online, they can submit their films and share the trailer, teaser or behind the scenes video. Judges will award the best films through private screenings.
Basado en una historia real. Una joven de 17 años con problemas de sociabilidad vive sin apenas contacto con el exterior, encerrada en casa contempla cada día las crueldades anunciadas en las noticias y su mente se va acercando cada vez más a la peligrosa forma de ser de la sociedad.