“Ciudadanos” gana la Mención Especial del Jurado del 8th Mikro Festival Amaterskog Filma de Serbia, compitiendo por el premio Mikropolis. Las proyecciones se han llevado a cabo del 12 al 14 de octubre del 2017 en el Museum of Yugoslav Film Archive en Belgrade.

Movies from all over the world have arrived to the open call (Serbia and neighboring countries, Europe, the USA, Brazil, Peru, Canada, Australia, Iran, India, Lebanon, Venezuela, Egypt, Israel, Russia…) We really enjoyed the travel through your various worlds of video. But, the moment of selection has come…

“The Mikro Festival of Amateur Film invites you to join the race for the Mikropolis prize. Submit your short experimental, animated, documentary, short movies, videos or other types of artistic films to the 5th Mikro FAF.

Sección Oficial del 8th Mikro Festival Amaterskog Filma (Serbia)

Sección Oficial del 8th Mikro Festival Amaterskog Filma (Serbia)
The Mikro Festival of Amateur Film invites you to submit your short films, videos or any other kind of artistic expression in video.
“Man has always had the urge to convey thoughts, events and emotions and translate them into words. An attempt at trying to explain the phenomenon of his environment as colourful relationships, whether through oral transmission or recording in word. In both cases, a good orator or writer is one who can create vivid images with the words as if an invisible film is taking place. In this modern age people no longer gather around the fireplace to share stories, it has become much easier to translate these ideas directly into a picture and send it wherever you want around the globe and our words often end up as snapshots and our stories become films.”

Fifth Mikro Festival of Amateur films (Serbia).
“The digital Age is just a new form of narrative, making contact with the world around them and understanding it. The seventh art can be experienced as an amalgamation of literary elements: thought, sound, image, rhythm … and that sometimes no word is spoken, but the idea becomes WORD ON TAPE.”
La falta de trabajo lleva a los ciudadanos a una situación de emergencia, enfrentándoles unos contra otros, obligándoles a despertar su propio egoísmo para conseguir su supervivencia. Ante la violencia y la injusticia ciudadanos como Noe sufren la ausencia de leyes efectivas.