El cortometraje “Calor humano” forma parte de la Sección Oficial de Golden Orchid International Animation Festival 2014. Festival que se celebra en la The Pennsylvania State University (Estados Unidos) del 8 al 21 de Septiembre. Calor humano se proyectará el 14 de Septiembre en el Carnegie Cinema.

The Golden Orchid International Animation Festival 2014
Golden Orchid International Animation Festival is one of the most famous and important animation festival in the world, since 2012.
The film competition has 5 sections (Animation Short Films, Feature Animation, Experimental Animation, Short Films, Feature Films), with distinct juries. The awards are: Best Animated Short Film, Critic’s Choice of Animated Short Film, Audience Choice of Animated Short Film, Best Animated Feature, Critic’s Choice of Animated Feature, Audience Choice of Animated Feature, Best Experimental Animation, Critic’s Choice of Experimental Animation, Audience Choice of Experimental Animation, Best Director, Best Original Music, Best Art Direction, Best Sound Editing, Best Visual Effects, Best Short Film, Critic’s Choice of Short Film, Audience Choice of Short Film, Best Feature Film, Critic’s Choice of Feature Film, Audience Choice of Feature Film.

The Golden Orchid International Animation Festival 2014
Our mission is to promote the art of contemporary animation and an appreciation of animation’s rich history, to encourage young animators, film-makers, artists and also, to cultivate the interest in and promote the arts and animation culture among the general public throught our platform.
The value of GOIAF is to promote the art of contemporary animation and an appreciation of animation’s rich history. Every year GOIAF attracts filmmakers, animation fans, cartoon buffs and art lovers from all over the world. We are dedicated and proud to exhibiting some of the world’s best independent, professional and student animation in all genres and themes of each here.

The Golden Orchid International Animation Festival 2014 Programe
Wed del Festival.