“Piel suave, ojos violentos” y “El espejo humano” y “La condena” forman parte de la Sección Oficial de Hong Kong World International Film Festival. Festival que se lleva a cabo

Hong Kong World International Film Festival
Hong Kong World International Film Festival is a part of World International Film Festival a global Industry event held in the world biggest cities that will reach out to the many filmmakers who like to place films at the center of the acts as a truly international film industry event, a great place for business on movie or script.
Screening date: 10 October - 11 October, 2016

Hong Kong World International Film Festival
The World International Film Festival is a global industry event held around the year in the world’s biggest cities.This around-the-world film festival tour showcases some of the very best independent films on the scene today. It will bring new films and audiences together in locales that are international centers of the arts, creating a meeting place for auteurs and cineastes, filmmakers and movie fans. Welcome to the World International Film Festival.
The World International Film Festival is a global industry event held around the year in the world’s biggest cities. This around-the-world film festival tour showcases some of the very best independent films on the scene today. It will bring new films and audiences together in locales that are international centers of the arts, creating a meeting place for auteurs and cineastes, filmmakers and movie fans. Welcome to the World International Film Festival.
The World International Film Festival is a global industry event held around the year in the world’s biggest cities. This around-the-world film festival tour showcases some of the very best independent films on the scene today. It will bring new films and audiences together in locales that are international centers of the arts, creating a meeting place for auteurs and cineastes, filmmakers and movie fans. Welcome to the World International Film Festival.
Basado en una historia real. Una joven de 17 años con problemas de sociabilidad vive sin apenas contacto con el exterior, encerrada en casa contempla cada día las crueldades anunciadas en las noticias y su mente se va acercando cada vez más a la peligrosa forma de ser de la sociedad.